#!/bin/sh # aside from this initial boilerplate, this is actually -*- scheme -*- code main='(module-ref (resolve-module '\''(scripts doc-snarf)) '\'main')' exec ${GUILE-guile} -l $0 -c "(apply $main (cdr (command-line)))" "$@" !# ;;; doc-snarf --- Extract documentation from source files ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Author: Martin Grabmueller ;;; Commentary: ;; Usage: doc-snarf FILE ;; ;; This program reads in a Scheme source file and extracts docstrings ;; in the format specified below. Additionally, a procedure protoype ;; is infered from the procedure definition line starting with ;; (define... ). ;; ;; Currently, two output modi are implemented: texinfo and plaintext. ;; Default is plaintext, texinfo can be switched on with the ;; `--texinfo, -t' command line option. ;; ;; Format: A docstring can span multiple lines and a docstring line ;; begins with `;; ' (two semicoli and a space). A docstring is ended ;; by either a line beginning with (define ...) or one or more lines ;; beginning with `;;-' (two semicoli and a dash). These lines are ;; called `options' and begin with a keyword, followed by a colon and ;; a string. ;; ;; Additionally, "standard internal docstrings" (for Scheme source) are ;; recognized and output as "options". The output formatting is likely ;; to change in the future. ;; ;; Example: ;; This procedure foos, or bars, depending on the argument @var{braz}. ;;-Author: Martin Grabmueller (define (foo/bar braz) (if braz 'foo 'bar)) ;;; Which results in the following docstring if texinfo output is ;;; enabled: #! foo/bar @deffn procedure foo/bar braz This procedure foos, or bars, depending on the argument @var{braz}. @c Author: Martin Grabmueller @end deffn !# ;;; Or in this if plaintext output is used: #! Procedure: foo/bar braz This procedure foos, or bars, depending on the argument @var{braz}. ;; Author: Martin Grabmueller ^L !# ;; TODO: Convert option lines to alist. ;; More parameterization. ;; ../libguile/guile-doc-snarf emulation (define doc-snarf-version "0.0.2") ; please update before publishing! ;;; Code: (define-module (scripts doc-snarf) :use-module (ice-9 getopt-long) :use-module (ice-9 regex) :use-module (ice-9 string-fun) :use-module (ice-9 rdelim) :export (doc-snarf)) (define command-synopsis '((version (single-char #\v) (value #f)) (help (single-char #\h) (value #f)) (output (single-char #\o) (value #t)) (texinfo (single-char #\t) (value #f)) (lang (single-char #\l) (value #t)))) ;; Display version information and exit. ;;-ttn-mod: use var (define (display-version) (display "doc-snarf ") (display doc-snarf-version) (newline)) ;; Display the usage help message and exit. ;;-ttn-mod: change option "source" to "lang" (define (display-help) (display "Usage: doc-snarf [options...] inputfile\n") (display " --help, -h Show this usage information\n") (display " --version, -v Show version information\n") (display " --output=FILE, -o Specify output file [default=stdout]\n") (display " --texinfo, -t Format output as texinfo\n") (display " --lang=[c,scheme], -l Specify the input language\n")) ;; Main program. ;;-ttn-mod: canonicalize lang (define (doc-snarf . args) (let ((options (getopt-long (cons "doc-snarf" args) command-synopsis))) (let ((help-wanted (option-ref options 'help #f)) (version-wanted (option-ref options 'version #f)) (texinfo-wanted (option-ref options 'texinfo #f)) (lang (string->symbol (string-downcase (option-ref options 'lang "scheme"))))) (cond (version-wanted (display-version)) (help-wanted (display-help)) (else (let ((input (option-ref options '() #f)) (output (option-ref options 'output #f))) (if ;; Bonard B. Timmons III says `(pair? input)' alone is sufficient. ;; (and input (pair? input)) (pair? input) (snarf-file (car input) output texinfo-wanted lang) (display-help)))))))) (define main doc-snarf) ;; Supported languages and their parameters. Each element has form: ;; (LANG DOC-START DOC-END DOC-PREFIX OPT-PREFIX SIG-START STD-INT-DOC?) ;; LANG is a symbol, STD-INT-DOC? is a boolean indicating whether or not ;; LANG supports "standard internal docstring" (a string after the formals), ;; everything else is a string specifying a regexp. ;;-ttn-mod: new var (define supported-languages '((c "^/\\*(.*)" "^ \\*/" "^ \\* (.*)" "^ \\*-(.*)" "NOTHING AT THIS TIME!!!" #f ) (scheme "^;; (.*)" "^;;\\." "^;; (.*)" "^;;-(.*)" "^\\(define" #t ))) ;; Get @var{lang}'s @var{parameter}. Both args are symbols. ;;-ttn-mod: new proc (define (lang-parm lang parm) (list-ref (assq-ref supported-languages lang) (case parm ((docstring-start) 0) ((docstring-end) 1) ((docstring-prefix) 2) ((option-prefix) 3) ((signature-start) 4) ((std-int-doc?) 5)))) ;; Snarf all docstrings from the file @var{input} and write them to ;; file @var{output}. Use texinfo format for the output if ;; @var{texinfo?} is true. ;;-ttn-mod: don't use string comparison, consult table instead (define (snarf-file input output texinfo? lang) (or (memq lang (map car supported-languages)) (error "doc-snarf: input language must be c or scheme.")) (write-output (snarf input lang) output (if texinfo? format-texinfo format-plain))) ;; fixme: this comment is required to trigger standard internal ;; docstring snarfing... ideally, it wouldn't be necessary. ;;-ttn-mod: new proc, from snarf-docs (aren't these names fun?) (define (find-std-int-doc line input-port) "Unread @var{line} from @var{input-port}, then read in the entire form and return the standard internal docstring if found. Return #f if not." (unread-string line input-port) ; ugh (let ((form (read input-port))) (cond ((and (list? form) ; (define (PROC ARGS) "DOC" ...) (< 3 (length form)) (eq? 'define (car form)) (pair? (cadr form)) (symbol? (caadr form)) (string? (caddr form))) (caddr form)) ((and (list? form) ; (define VAR (lambda ARGS "DOC" ...)) (< 2 (length form)) (eq? 'define (car form)) (symbol? (cadr form)) (list? (caddr form)) (< 3 (length (caddr form))) (eq? 'lambda (car (caddr form))) (string? (caddr (caddr form)))) (caddr (caddr form))) (else #f)))) ;; Split @var{string} into lines, adding @var{prefix} to each. ;;-ttn-mod: new proc (define (split-prefixed string prefix) (separate-fields-discarding-char #\newline string (lambda lines (map (lambda (line) (string-append prefix line)) lines)))) ;; snarf input-file output-file ;; Extract docstrings from the input file @var{input}, presumed ;; to be written in language @var{lang}. ;;-Author: Martin Grabmueller ;;-Created: 2001-02-17 ;;-ttn-mod: regluarize lang parm lookup, add "std int doc" snarfing (2 places) (define (snarf input-file lang) (let* ((i-p (open-input-file input-file)) (parm-regexp (lambda (parm) (make-regexp (lang-parm lang parm)))) (docstring-start (parm-regexp 'docstring-start)) (docstring-end (parm-regexp 'docstring-end)) (docstring-prefix (parm-regexp 'docstring-prefix)) (option-prefix (parm-regexp 'option-prefix)) (signature-start (parm-regexp 'signature-start)) (augmented-options (lambda (line i-p options) (let ((int-doc (and (lang-parm lang 'std-int-doc?) (let ((d (find-std-int-doc line i-p))) (and d (split-prefixed d "internal: ")))))) (if int-doc (append (reverse int-doc) options) options))))) (let lp ((line (read-line i-p)) (state 'neutral) (doc-strings '()) (options '()) (entries '()) (lno 0)) (cond ((eof-object? line) (close-input-port i-p) (reverse entries)) ;; State 'neutral: we're currently not within a docstring or ;; option section ((eq? state 'neutral) (let ((m (regexp-exec docstring-start line))) (if m (lp (read-line i-p) 'doc-string (list (match:substring m 1)) '() entries (+ lno 1)) (lp (read-line i-p) state '() '() entries (+ lno 1))))) ;; State 'doc-string: we have started reading a docstring and ;; are waiting for more, for options or for a define. ((eq? state 'doc-string) (let ((m0 (regexp-exec docstring-prefix line)) (m1 (regexp-exec option-prefix line)) (m2 (regexp-exec signature-start line)) (m3 (regexp-exec docstring-end line))) (cond (m0 (lp (read-line i-p) 'doc-string (cons (match:substring m0 1) doc-strings) '() entries (+ lno 1))) (m1 (lp (read-line i-p) 'options doc-strings (cons (match:substring m1 1) options) entries (+ lno 1))) (m2 (let ((options (augmented-options line i-p options))) ; ttn-mod (lp (read-line i-p) 'neutral '() '() (cons (parse-entry doc-strings options line input-file lno) entries) (+ lno 1)))) (m3 (lp (read-line i-p) 'neutral '() '() (cons (parse-entry doc-strings options #f input-file lno) entries) (+ lno 1))) (else (lp (read-line i-p) 'neutral '() '() entries (+ lno 1)))))) ;; State 'options: We're waiting for more options or for a ;; define. ((eq? state 'options) (let ((m1 (regexp-exec option-prefix line)) (m2 (regexp-exec signature-start line)) (m3 (regexp-exec docstring-end line))) (cond (m1 (lp (read-line i-p) 'options doc-strings (cons (match:substring m1 1) options) entries (+ lno 1))) (m2 (let ((options (augmented-options line i-p options))) ; ttn-mod (lp (read-line i-p) 'neutral '() '() (cons (parse-entry doc-strings options line input-file lno) entries) (+ lno 1)))) (m3 (lp (read-line i-p) 'neutral '() '() (cons (parse-entry doc-strings options #f input-file lno) entries) (+ lno 1))) (else (lp (read-line i-p) 'neutral '() '() entries (+ lno 1)))))))))) (define (make-entry symbol signature docstrings options filename line) (vector 'entry symbol signature docstrings options filename line)) (define (entry-symbol e) (vector-ref e 1)) (define (entry-signature e) (vector-ref e 2)) (define (entry-docstrings e) (vector-ref e 3)) (define (entry-options e) (vector-ref e 4)) (define (entry-filename e) (vector-ref e 5)) (define (entry-line e) "This docstring will not be snarfed, unfortunately..." (vector-ref e 6)) ;; Create a docstring entry from the docstring line list ;; @var{doc-strings}, the option line list @var{options} and the ;; define line @var{def-line} (define (parse-entry docstrings options def-line filename line-no) ; (write-line docstrings) (cond (def-line (make-entry (get-symbol def-line) (make-prototype def-line) (reverse docstrings) (reverse options) filename (+ (- line-no (length docstrings) (length options)) 1))) ((> (length docstrings) 0) (make-entry (string->symbol (car (reverse docstrings))) (car (reverse docstrings)) (cdr (reverse docstrings)) (reverse options) filename (+ (- line-no (length docstrings) (length options)) 1))) (else (make-entry 'foo "" (reverse docstrings) (reverse options) filename (+ (- line-no (length docstrings) (length options)) 1))))) ;; Create a string which is a procedure prototype. The necessary ;; information for constructing the prototype is taken from the line ;; @var{def-line}, which is a line starting with @code{(define...}. (define (make-prototype def-line) (call-with-input-string def-line (lambda (s-p) (let* ((paren (read-char s-p)) (keyword (read s-p)) (tmp (read s-p))) (cond ((pair? tmp) (join-symbols tmp)) ((symbol? tmp) (symbol->string tmp)) (else "")))))) (define (get-symbol def-line) (call-with-input-string def-line (lambda (s-p) (let* ((paren (read-char s-p)) (keyword (read s-p)) (tmp (read s-p))) (cond ((pair? tmp) (car tmp)) ((symbol? tmp) tmp) (else 'foo)))))) ;; Append the symbols in the string list @var{s}, separated with a ;; space character. (define (join-symbols s) (cond ((null? s) "") ((symbol? s) (string-append ". " (symbol->string s))) ((null? (cdr s)) (symbol->string (car s))) (else (string-append (symbol->string (car s)) " " (join-symbols (cdr s)))))) ;; Write @var{entries} to @var{output-file} using @var{writer}. ;; @var{writer} is a proc that takes one entry. ;; If @var{output-file} is #f, write to stdout. ;;-ttn-mod: new proc (define (write-output entries output-file writer) (with-output-to-port (cond (output-file (open-output-file output-file)) (else (current-output-port))) (lambda () (for-each writer entries)))) ;; Write an @var{entry} using texinfo format. ;;-ttn-mod: renamed from `texinfo-output', distilled (define (format-texinfo entry) (display "\n\f") (display (entry-symbol entry)) (newline) (display "@c snarfed from ") (display (entry-filename entry)) (display ":") (display (entry-line entry)) (newline) (display "@deffn procedure ") (display (entry-signature entry)) (newline) (for-each (lambda (s) (write-line s)) (entry-docstrings entry)) (for-each (lambda (s) (display "@c ") (write-line s)) (entry-options entry)) (write-line "@end deffn")) ;; Write an @var{entry} using plain format. ;;-ttn-mod: renamed from `texinfo-output', distilled (define (format-plain entry) (display "Procedure: ") (display (entry-signature entry)) (newline) (for-each (lambda (s) (write-line s)) (entry-docstrings entry)) (for-each (lambda (s) (display ";; ") (write-line s)) (entry-options entry)) (display "Snarfed from ") (display (entry-filename entry)) (display ":") (display (entry-line entry)) (newline) (write-line "\f")) ;;; doc-snarf ends here